Turn your backyard into a bird feeding sanctuary and discover tranquility in your backyard.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Bird Feeding Tips.

Fall is an exciting time for backyard bird feeders. Here is what to think about when feeding birds this fall:

Different birds in your backyard: Fall migration is underway and this means that you may have some unusual birds visiting your feeders as they pass through on their way south. It also means that you may start to see a change over in your regular feeder visitors. For example, redpolls, chickadees, jays, certain sparrows and juncos may visit your feeder more in the winter than the summer, while goldfinches and grosbeaks are not likely to overwinter in your backyard. As your backyard visitors change you need to keep an eye on your feeders. Different birds have different tastes in bird seed. The best way to deal with this is to offer a variety of different feeders and seeds in your backyard so that you are prepared for whoever comes your way.

Don't wait til winter: Now is the time to start feeding the birds before the miserable weather arrives. Birds are looking for the best place to overwinter and if your yard appears to have the food, water and shelter they need, then they will stay. If you start feeding the birds after the snow flies, it may be too late to attract many birds.

Don't forget about shelter: As you are trimming your trees and bushes this fall, don't throw out the trimmings. Create a brush pile about 4 foot high by 4 foot wide. This is a great place for small songbirds to escape the weather and predators and will encourage them to stay in your yard this winter.

Water: The experts say that there is nothing like ice free water to attract birds to your backyard. Think about setting up your winter watering station now. You can buy plug-in water heaters for your bird baths. Shop around and see what is the most practical and best solution for you. I have to admit that I have not yet found the ideal solution for my backyard. I have promised myself that this winter will be different - I will keep you informed as to how successful I am with this one.

High energy food sources: Think about adding a suet feeder or peanut feeder to your bird feeders this winter. Both of these will attract birds that may not eat at your other feeders and can provide all your birds with a quick high energy boost on a cold winter day.

Trick or Treat? Save that pumpkin: Finally, have some fun this fall and think outside the box. When you clean out that pumpkin, save the pumpkin fibre and seeds and offer them to your backyard birds on a flat cookie sheet. Pumpkin seeds are actually a key ingredient in some of our parrot mixes so why not give your jays or other birds a chance at these fresh seeds.

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