Turn your backyard into a bird feeding sanctuary and discover tranquility in your backyard.

Friday, September 10, 2010

So Who Are You Feeding Anyway? Squaring off against the squirrels

They are cute alright, but these innocent looking bandits can make away with your bird seed and rob you of the pleasure of communing with your favorite birds. So how do you foil these furry critters? Here are a few tips on how to discourage the squirrels from camping out at your bird feeder.

Baffle 'em with a baffle: A baffle is a dome shaped cover that typically hangs over the top of your feeder and prevents squirrels from accessing the seed. Remember, though, that squirrels can jump quite a distance so unless your feeder is very isolated and high off the ground, this may not be an effective solution.

Beat them with technology: You can find feeders that are weight activated that will eliminate access to the seed if a heavy enough animal (aka squirrel) steps on the perch. You can also find feeders that are caged. This allows small birds to access the seed and protects them from cats and predatory birds, while protecting the seed from squirrels.

Make it hot: Mammals can taste the hot sensation in chili peppers but birds can not. Using the same principle that we use in our Pine Tree Farms Hot Pepper Suet, you could add a little cayenne pepper to your bird seed. It may convince the squirrels to find another food source.

If you can't beat them, join them: In the spirit of good will to all, you could just decide to feed the squirrels too. In that case, find yourself a nice squirrel feeder and place it somewhere in your yard that is a long ways away from your other feeders. Provide corn or nuts and you will have happy squirrels.

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