Turn your backyard into a bird feeding sanctuary and discover tranquility in your backyard.

Friday, October 22, 2010

What the heck is suet?

Sometimes when I talk to people about suet, they give me a blank look and say "what the heck is suet?" Well let me tell you - the suet secret is out! Suet is the best way to up your yard's "attraction factor" for birds.

You should find suet in any well stocked wild bird food section of your local wild bird store. Suet is one of most concentrated energy food sources that you can feed birds. This is because it is based on animal fat which has a very high energy value for birds who need help maintaining their body temperature in the winter time. Suet is easily digested and metabolized by birds to give them that energy boost they need to make it through a cold winter day or night.

Many birds love suet including birds that perhaps will not eat out of your other feeders. Suet lovers include woodpeckers, chickadees, northern flickers, nuthatches, and starlings.

When choosing suet, look for a high quality suet. For example our Pine Tree Farm's Suet is made from rendered beef kidney fat. It has been refined to maintain a high melting point for year round feeding. Pine Tree Farms uses top quality seeds, grain, peanut butter and peanuts, to attract a wide variety of birds.

Suet comes in a few different shapes and sizes. The standard type of suet is a 4 X 4 inch cake. However, there are suet plugs (cylindrically shaped suet), and suet balls etc. Just remember when buying suet that you need to have a feeder that works with the type of suet you have selected. Personally I use the Pine Tree Farms suet cakes in a simple cheap wire feeder.

Hang your suet feeder from a tree ideally within good view of a window in you home. If you are feeding suet for the first time and you find you are not attracting birds to your feeder, try smearing some peanut butter on the outside of the feeder and press some seeds into the peanut butter. The birds will recognize the seed and this will attract their interest.

So that is your quick introduction to suet. Give it a try! You will be impressed with who you find at your suet feeder.

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